Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Haha...had yummy dinner just now. So want to make ppl jealous...nolar nolar, im not that evil. Its just there's this Taiwanese restaurant here that makes the best chinese food and their yummiest dish is えびマヨー(Mayonnaise slathered prawn) that's super goooooooooooood. It's so good that we count the prawns beforehand so nobody tries to eat more. HA.....imagine that. And I have a pic of it in my hp. Haha...cos I was swooning over it the first time I ate it :D

So today is my first try in trying to recreate this dish. And its not too bad. Just needs a bit more tweaking.But i doubt i can ever reach the awesomeness that is the real deal.

and since Im on the subject of's Joann's famous Shepherds Pie! I finally ate it :D and its super yums! Everyone must try to trick her into cooking it. Its really good :D Thanks Boann <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha..guess where im leaving this comment from???
trick your head la!!!
btw..its already 3 am....