Sunday, February 15, 2009


Caged like an animal pacing, walking around and around the cage.
Thinking wtf was i thinking when i let myself get caught.
No enemies of the pride, ppl to bring me food and water everyday, fly surrounding.
That`s the high life, or so it seemed to be.
Scratching and etching the days on the wall.
They loom like more walls and wire.
Bored, bored, boredom.
The 2 beside me are all loonies.
Will i be one in time?
The humans keep peering at me, all the time.
Even in the loo?
Give me some privacy will ya.
Oh no, the loonies are at it again.
Geez, shut up already will ya.
I ain`t listening to yer crapping another night.
When will it end, when will i be free.
Should i break free and make a run for it.
I know the guards can`t run to fast.
The question is do i dare to change my life forever.

Alex the Lion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

watched madagascar ah??!!
i googled alex the lion believe it or not! =D