Super syiok I tell you.
First day mizore, wet kau kau. My handphone almost died on me cos masuk water.
The Mizore was damn evil, beat down on our face like mad. Was wishing for terrorist face mask as protection againts the evil ice bullets.
Second day, FINALLY......SNOW!!!
YES to powdered snow!
Super nice to board. Cos it goes carak,carak like that.....its like music to my ears. :D
Not to mention the nice scenery. Damn leng can.
Almost regret not goin to the PPKTJ ski trip. Cos can board more mah. But just an almost, Muahahaha..........
But now......whole body aching.
Can feel all my muscles telling me to pity them and stick some salonplast on.
Should I be nice? Or torture them some more?
Have taken a liking to the pain. Kekekekeke.....
Bye bye lah, goin to nurse my wounds.
joyce sayang,
i've been waiting...
waiting for ur next post... =)
eh, i keep forgetting to ask u..
chit sent u the pics liao ah? reader request ah. :D
See how lah babe. Got mood then write lah.
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