Hahaha.....today no sch cos of taifu no 18. Muahahaha....
Actually not directly hit by taifu, its just cos of danger cos by strong winds and such. Still muahahaha.......cannot believe that there is not sch, cos the taifu is far away edi. And the weather is like super windy and cloudy only.
Anyways, planning to be a good student and do work today. Hahaha....wanna do some 景観工学 - closes translation into english would be Landscape Engineering. Guess what our first assignment is? Its to pick a location that you think is beautiful, then Draw, I repeat DRAW a sketch or take a picture of the place, then do a presentation in class to explain why you think it is beautiful, or what can be done to improve the overall scenery. Isn`t it cool. A class all about protecting, planning, perfecting the landscape so its easy on the eyes. Sighhhhhhhh...... :D
Then there`s also
防災工学-Disaster Prevention Engineering
環境工学 - Environmental Engineering
海岸工学 - Coastal Engineering
都市計画 - City Planning
and a given one 工業英話-Engineering English
This class is super entertaining. Cos the teacher, Mr Herbert is kinda funny in a lame way. He tries to make jokes and sometimes they work, but most times they fail, cos the Jps dun understand him. Hahaha.....and when he tries his best to speak Jpnese, its real funny. Granted he did improve ever so slightly within this 2 yrs. The relationship between the Jps and english and foreign ppl is so remarkable there are no words to describe it. Its something you have to experience to understand and I am so glad I have this wonderful chance to be here.
This is why I`ve been waiting patiently for so long for 5th yr to come; so there are all these cool classes to take. Muahahaha..... you know im so crazy i took ALL the electives just becos :D
anywayz, signing of to enter the kingdom of nerd-dom.