My BOOKS!!!!!
Soooooo Happy!!!!!!
*smile smile*
*smells the books......smells....*
Wooo......the heavenly smell of fresh ink and paper. Yum! You do know what im talking about don`t cha? Everyone smells their books right? Fresh new smell of paperbacks have a tinge of mustiness to them versus the fresh smell of paper and ink on textbooks. Cos they are made from diff quality paper and ink. And the smell of old books, musty and dusty. Oh and don`t get me started on the feel of the pages when you turn them. The nice crisp tick to it, the sharp edge of the paper, or the dogeared pages of well read books, or the ones that are hard to turn.....oh oh and the extra thin ones on dictonaries.........ramble ramble......*of to lala land *.......
Ok returning to reality.....
I just discovered that over the one year and one month plus i`ve been here, i`ve bought way to many books. I allowed myself to buy one book per month but i think i got slightly more. Oops! Hahaha..... not that i really care cos i luv em all. It`s just gonna be heavy when moving. >.<
*try lah*
*i bet u won`t ever get it*
*u dun believe me?*
* u think it`s very easy to guess?*
*hmmm.........u sure?*
* are you thinking curry?*
* yes ....yes....*
*curry wif carrots and terung maybe*
*oh and the brown thing is chicken lah*
* easy.....its Chicken Curry mah*
*HAHAHA....if you think its Chicken Curry then you are WRONG!!!*
*you know why?*
*because it`s Vegetarian Curry. :DDDD*
*So wats the brown brown thing?*
*oh....that my friends is vegetarian chicken*
* Vegetarian chicken?????? U mean the chicken is vegetarian? Then when u eat the chicken it`s still a vegetarian dish meh? Eat chicken worh!! *
*No no.......the chicken looking thing is made from Tofu.*
TTFN peeps. Good Luck to those having exam. And Ur not suppose to be blog surfing u know.
Go Study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where did u get the vegetarian chicken from? internet? the stuff u all cook looks so nice... my food that i cook over here in over 70% inedible... huhuhu
Hahahaha..... i made the vegetarian chicken after i touched the tofu and it gave me inspiration. U know like a muse.Lols, tofu my muse.Im so weird.
Anyway, u just mash the soft kind of tofu up, add flour and stuff and fry it like cucur and tada....u get fake chicken. It does not really taste like chicken but sure looks the part. :))))))
Hehehe.... thanks for the compliment on d food. :DDDD Heard that Zhang Shen is a good cook. Maybe u can learn from him? Hehehe....
lols.. yeah, this girl got possessed by the tofu spirit.. ohmmmm.... hahahha...
doesn't taste like chicken at all.. taste like the thing in indian rojak.. suits to be eaten with curry yum yum.. but this girl put too much flour.. >_<
good though.. eh, dahling, our vegan week going smoothly eh.. *wink wink*
oh, and dont throw away our engagement ring ah.. heheness
i want to trade books with you...but my books are time, i really want to taste your dishes, looks delicious leh...
MayC: Haiz... ya i know lah. Dun really taste like chicken. Kekeke.... but can imagine that its chicken. :PPPPPPPP
ChangYuen: Hahaha..... sure thing. Must spread the love of books!!!! Ur chinese books i think the chinese to hard edilah. I sure only get 50-60% one. Nebermind, i dun mind pinjam u. :DDDDDDD
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