Really, I was not expecting all this. Thought that it would just be like any other day, normal.
I am very very touched by your kind gestures. Brings me to shame actually, since, I don`t think I remember everyones B`days. Huhu..... >.< Thanks again u guys. I will remember this B`day cos its the weirdest one I`ve had thus far. Haha...... first of all, I kept receiving super early B`day presents, then one month early phone call ( haha...u know who u are :P ) , and lets not forget the "incident" at midnight. Chatted wif ppl also lor. Haha...bout growing up and stuff. Sampai talk bout kahwin also. Man.....some ppl think far ahead. Haha...... me is till a kid. Haha..... and it seems that I will be receiving some late prezzies as well. *jumps in glee*
Kekeke..... Anyways, had B`day "party" by the pond in Ryo today as our Akashi kosen tradition goes. Thanks to MayC who baked not one but two cakes for me!!! Kekeke..... lets not talk bout how it taste lah hah :PPPP I menerima ur keikhlasan hati. Hehehe...... see it looks so nice here. All warm and glowing and my initials are on it. :DDD
So another big BIG Thank You to everyone. Thanks for everything. :D I lap U all !!!!
haha...Thanks again :D
oi... apa keikhlasan hati ah? that bad meh? funny how i suck at instant cake but bake nice normal cakes.. =PPPP comment :P
2.baking cakeS ,by MC ,すげぇ
Kahwin...ya lo.Keng-ness! Nebermind, we are still young.
Hehe...MayC love me mah. So must put the love into the cake. Muahkakaka...
Pizza...again, aku terlalu special. Muahkakaka....
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